
What is Scenario Based Training?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ever been thrown into a make-believe situation, a hypothetical setting, or a simulated environment to learn a new skill or concept? If yes, then you’ve tasted the beauty of scenario based training. Think of it as a virtual reality game, but instead of chasing dragons or collecting coins, you’re acquiring real-world skills and knowledge. Dive […]


Ways to Create Effective Training for Adult Learners

Reading Time: 3 minutes In the realm of education, training adults is like sculpting with clay that’s already taken shape. As opposed to the malleability of young learners, adults come with their own set of experiences, biases, and motivations. Crafting an effective training strategy for this group demands a deep understanding and finesse. Let’s dive into the nuances. Deciphering […]

Understanding Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy and its Relevance for Adult Learners

Reading Time: 3 minutes The digital world has evolved significantly in the last few years, leading to a paradigm shift in learning and educational methodologies. One notable model that has gained attention is Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. Today, we will delve into understanding what is Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy and its implications, especially for adult learners. The Evolution of Bloom’s Digital […]

Kirkpatrick Model

Reading Time: 6 minutes The Kirkpatrick Model, a universally recognized method for evaluating the effectiveness of training, has been shaping the landscape of learning and development for decades. Originating in the 1950s by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick, this model has evolved significantly over time. Initially designed to measure the impact of training programs, it has expanded to encompass a broader […]


Understanding Learning Modalities

Reading Time: 3 minutes Every person has a unique way of acquiring knowledge. This brings us to the topic of learning modalities, a concept that explains why individuals process information differently. This article aims to fully dissect this fascinating topic, uncovering what are learning modalities and how they impact education. Learning Modalities Definition: What is it all about? First […]