
Kirkpatrick Model

Changed: 2024-07-15

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Kirkpatrick Model is a well-known method for evaluating the effectiveness of training. Developed in the 1950s by Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick, it has evolved over time. Originally designed to measure the impact of training programs, it now includes a broader understanding of learning processes and their outcomes. This guide explores the model’s components, applications, and evolution in detail.

The Kirkpatrick Model is praised for its simplicity and practicality in evaluating training effectiveness. It has four levels: Reaction, Learning, Behavior, and Results. Each level provides a unique perspective on how training affects individuals and organizations. The first level, Reaction, measures how participants respond to the training. Learning assesses the increase in knowledge or skills after training. Behavior looks at changes in behavior due to the training. Finally, Results measure the overall impact on organizational goals. This model offers a systematic way to understand training effectiveness.

Kirkpatrick model.

Exploring the Kirkpatrick Model of Evaluation

The Kirkpatrick Model of Evaluation is a strong framework for assessing training programs. It emphasizes a comprehensive approach, ensuring a full understanding of training impact. The model involves:

  • Understanding Immediate Reaction: Evaluating how participants feel about the training.
  • Measuring Learning: Assessing the increase in knowledge or skills from the training.
  • Observing Behavioral Changes: Monitoring changes in behavior and application of new skills in the workplace.
  • Analyzing Results: Gauging the impact on organizational goals and objectives.

This model provides a thorough insight into training program effectiveness, helping organizations make informed decisions about their learning and development strategies.

The Kirkpatrick Model of Training Evaluation

The Kirkpatrick evaluation model goes beyond traditional assessment methods, focusing on the long-term impact of training on performance and organizational success. It looks at what learners thought of the training (Reaction), what they learned (Learning), how they apply it (Behavior), and the ultimate results (Results). This approach ensures training is not only educational but also transformative, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and accountability. The model helps organizations align their training with strategic objectives effectively.

Insights into the Kirkpatrick Learning Model

The Kirkpatrick Learning Model highlights the evolving landscape of corporate training and development. It focuses on measuring training outcomes and the quality and effectiveness of the learning experience. Key aspects include:

  • Engagement and Experience: Evaluating how engaging and relevant the training is for learners.
  • Knowledge Acquisition: Assessing the depth and retention of new skills or information.
  • Application of Learning: Observing how effectively acquired knowledge is applied in real-world scenarios.
  • Impact on Performance: Measuring tangible improvements in individual and organizational performance.
  • Feedback for Improvement: Using feedback to continuously refine and enhance the learning process.

This model provides a comprehensive framework for assessing learning experiences from initial engagement to long-term outcomes.

The Kirkpatrick New World Model

The Kirkpatrick new world model represents an evolution of the traditional approach. It responds to changing workforce dynamics and increasing business complexity. It extends the classic four levels by incorporating elements like the social and emotional context of learning, the influence of technology, and alignment with business strategies. This modern adaptation makes the model highly relevant in today’s corporate training landscape, ensuring learning and development initiatives are effective and aligned with broader organizational goals and challenges.

Practical Examples of the Kirkpatrick Model

The practical application of the Kirkpatrick Model shows its effectiveness. Many organizations have successfully integrated this model into their training evaluations. For example, in customer service training, companies use the model to gauge immediate employee reactions and measure the long-term impact on customer satisfaction and service quality. In technical skill development, the model assesses proficiency gains and improvements in operational efficiency. These real-world examples demonstrate the versatility of the Kirkpatrick Model, providing valuable insights across different training scenarios and organizational needs.

Case Studies: Kirkpatrick Model in Action

The practical use of the Kirkpatrick Model across industries shows its versatility and effectiveness. Key examples include:

  • Customer Service Training: Evaluating employee reactions and long-term effects on customer satisfaction and service quality.
  • Technical Skill Development: Assessing improvements in technical skills and operational efficiency.
  • Leadership Training: Measuring changes in leadership styles and their impact on team dynamics and organizational culture.
  • Safety Training: Assessing how safety training improves workplace safety practices and reduces incidents.
  • Sales Training: Evaluating the effectiveness of sales training programs in enhancing sales performance and revenue growth.

These case studies highlight the model’s ability to provide valuable insights and results in various training scenarios, underscoring its wide applicability and usefulness in meeting diverse organizational needs.

Beyond the Basics: The Kirkpatrick Model’s 5th Level

While the traditional Kirkpatrick Model is known for its four-level approach, there is growing interest in a fifth level. This level seeks to capture the broader, long-term impact of training on organizational culture and societal change. It challenges organizations to consider the overarching influence of their learning initiatives, including fostering a culture of continuous learning, driving innovation, or contributing to societal advancements through skilled workforce development. Exploring this fifth level represents an exciting frontier in training evaluation, prompting a more holistic and far-reaching perspective on the impact of organizational learning.

Fostering a Culture of Continuous Learning

Integrating the potential fifth level emphasizes fostering a culture of continuous learning within organizations. This culture includes:

  • Ongoing Professional Development: Encouraging continuous skill enhancement and knowledge acquisition.
  • Incorporating Learning into Daily Operations: Making learning an integral part of everyday work processes.
  • Employee Empowerment: Enabling employees to take charge of their own learning and career growth.
  • Adaptability and Innovation: Cultivating an environment that adapts to change and encourages innovative thinking.

By embedding these elements into organizational culture, companies can create a dynamic and resilient workforce equipped to meet modern business challenges.

Driving Innovation and Societal Advancement

Exploring a fifth level also focuses on the role of training in driving innovation and societal advancement. This perspective expands training evaluation to include its impact on fostering groundbreaking ideas and promoting social good. Training initiatives are measured not only by direct outcomes but also by how they empower employees to develop innovative solutions benefiting the organization and society. This aligns corporate learning with broader objectives like technological progress, ethical business practices, and economic development, highlighting the significant role of training in shaping a better future.


How can the Kirkpatrick Model help in improving the effectiveness of training programs?

The Kirkpatrick Model enables organizations to evaluate the effectiveness of their training programs at various levels, from initial reactions to measurable business outcomes. By assessing these different dimensions, organizations can identify areas of strength and areas that need improvement. This comprehensive feedback helps in fine-tuning future training sessions to make them more relevant, engaging, and beneficial.

What types of organizations or fields can benefit from using the Kirkpatrick Model?

The Kirkpatrick Model is versatile and applicable across a wide range of industries and sectors. Any organization that invests in training programs, whether they are businesses, educational institutions, non-profits, or government agencies, can use this model to measure the effectiveness of their training initiatives.

Can the Kirkpatrick Model be used to evaluate online or virtual training sessions?

Yes, the Kirkpatrick Model can certainly be applied to online or virtual training sessions. Regardless of the training delivery mode, this model provides a systematic way to assess the reaction, learning, behavior, and results associated with the training. The methodologies might vary – for example, online surveys for Level 1, online quizzes for Level 2, virtual observation for Level 3, and data analytics for Level 4 – but the principles remain the same.

How does the New World Kirkpatrick Model differ from the original Kirkpatrick Model?

The New World Kirkpatrick Model, an enhancement of the original one, introduced additional elements to make the model more comprehensive. It emphasizes the importance of a significant 'Level 0' - the identification of the desired result before training begins. It also includes considerations such as the relevance of the training to the participants' job roles and the support from the organization to apply learning, thus providing a more holistic approach to training evaluation.

What factors should be considered while implementing the Kirkpatrick Model for training evaluation?

When implementing the Kirkpatrick Model, organizations should consider the time and resources required, particularly for higher levels of evaluation. It's also crucial to ensure that the data collected at each level is accurate and relevant. Moreover, the organization must be mindful of the fact that changes in business results may be influenced by external factors and not solely by the training program.

Can the Kirkpatrick Model be integrated with other training models or theories?

Yes, the Kirkpatrick Model can work symbiotically with other training models or theories. A popular example is the ADDIE Model, where the Kirkpatrick Model is used to evaluate the training program designed and developed by the ADDIE process. Additionally, the Kirkpatrick Model could be used in conjunction with learning theories like adult learning theory (Andragogy) or experiential learning theory for a more comprehensive learning and development strategy.