your knowledge and content in
MODERN format
training that will be
Not the same training as yesterday.
After everything was organized. Before everything was organized.

Custom eLearning
Development Solutions

You are on this page, which means that your company values its time and knows how to rationally use available resources for systematic training of its employees! With our custom elearning development solutions, you can further enhance the learning experience tailored to your organization's specific needs.
We will help you:
  • Accumulate the knowledge
    of your experts
  • Earn while your
    employees are developing
  • Update employees'
  • Save time for your top employees
    on training new employees
  • Make the learning process in
    your company effective, interesting and convenient
  • Automate the learning
    process in your company
We create:
Content for distance learning
Interactive courses
Animated videos
Video content
3D animation
Developing training material from scratch
Content for remote image training.
Interactive image courses.
Animated image clips.
Video content of the image.
3D image animation.
Development of training material from scratch images.

Online courses with lifetime warranty support

Images of our company's guarantees
  • Development of e-learning courses, tests, dialog simulators, simulations in Articulate Storyline, Articulate Rise and Adobe Captivated
  • Development of comprehensive blended learning programs and learning paths
  • Implementing an optimal e-learning process: developing a strategy, selecting the necessary services and programs, and creating content
Computer image.
simulation of work with
the necessary software
Image of text translation.
translation from
different languages
Image of writing an article.
copywriting and
text editing
Image of the microphone.
voice acting
Image gallery images.
video recording
and editing
Image laptop.

Our training courses

The man works and thinks about the development.
Technology is improving every day, and companies are striving for better training options for their staff.
Everyone expects a higher return on investment, as well as increased sales productivity.
To overcome the changing situations, companies need to move to different training and learning methods that the main focus is on:
  • practical knowledge;
  • involvement;
  • better interactivity;
  • clear content.
  • Such training will facilitate the work of the sales team.
The course will help:
  • update knowledge on the topic of effective sales.
  • provide recommendations on the negotiation process in your company.
  • increase the company's profit.
Online training not only helps your sales team gain the skills they need at their convenience, but it also helps them improve your skills, that can contribute to the achievement of the company's goals.
A man is looking at a tablet.
The knowledge and understanding of compliance procedures by your staff, as well as the ability to analyze the knowledge gained, will help manage your organization's business risks.
Compliance is the foundation on which business security, business operations, customer and counterparty trust, business reputation and business success are based.
So it is no exaggeration to say that compliance is a vital need for a modern competitive business.
By ordering the course "Compliance", you will teach your employees to understand the basic principles and features of compliance, as well as to work proactively to protect the interests of your company, its reputation, and financial stability.
Compliance will help:
  • protect the interests of the company, investors, customers, and employees;
  • avoid problems with the regulators responsible
    for maintaining the integrity of business activities;
  • maintain its reputation as a worthy market participant,
    which does not carry additional risks.
Tell us quickly, efficiently and in an accessible form about:
  • HR policy
  • vacation and day off policy
  • information security policy
  • policy on IT security principles
  • business development policy
  • communications and gift policy
  • corporate travel policy etc.
The men shake hands.
Dialogue simulator - is an interactive exercise that essentially copies a conversation with a person: a customer, subordinate, or colleague.
The dialog trainer is game simulator with a branched plot and voiced dialogues to practice communication skills.
The purpose of this course:
to teach the company's employees how to behave in certain situations (in terms of company policies).
Advantages of using dialog simulators:
  • The training dialogues provide an opportunity to practice risk-free communication skills and prevent future conflict situations.
  • In addition, the student in the dialog simulator is an active participant in the educational process.
  • As a rule, a dialog trainer can contain a lot of interactive elements - several characters and a branching plot, the development of which depends on the user's answers.
  • The sound of the characters' lines further helps to immerse you in a specific situation and add emotion to the communication.
  • In addition to using different characters, a branching plot, and feedback dialogues, you can include tips and useful theoretical statements in the dialog trainer.
A woman looks at the phone screen.
The development of technology has given rise to learning based on simulation.
Lack of hands-on training creates a lot of chaos during the implementation of this software, resulting in wasted time and effort.
Simulations for any software are given to students:
  • practical knowledge,
  • practical experience in using the software,
  • which means they are better prepared.
Simulations can help learners get comfortable with the software before they actually start using it.
These days, companies are leaning more towards Simulation-based training, because they consider it more successful than the traditional approach.
Simulation-based training helps:
  • train your staff in a short period of time,
  • save money,
  • save time.
The man is working at his laptop.
For every part of your business to work, and for goods or services to be sold efficiently, you need employees to fully understand what your company offers and what the value of this product is.
Marketers need to understand:
  • how to advertise the product,
  • what to emphasize.
Salespeople need to know:
  • product range,
  • characteristics of the product provided, etc.
If the necessary information is not available at the time of the product launch, the business can lose a significant amount of revenue.
In a competitive market, this can be the difference between failure and success.
Product optimization prior to market launch requires quick and easy access to convenient resources, materials, and tools to ensure meaningful, high-quality training.
People point to work processes.
Every company needs to organize:
  • process the fastest, most complete and systematic familiarization a new employee with the rules of work at the company;
  • transferring to him the knowledge necessary to perform his functional duties efficiently. This often requires a lot of resources and time. 
Pros availability of an online adaptation program for companies:
  • At the first stage, the new employee already understands the company's rules, goals, culture, organizational structure, etc;
  • new employees quickly get into the company's working rhythm and reach a normal level of productivity;
  • newcomers experience minimal stress and are satisfied with their work;
  • No large sums of money are spent on each new hire, no groups of people are gathered for training, and no time is wasted by top employees.

PG-Group online
courses advantages

Development anywhere
and anytime
Immersion in
learning with your head
cost savings
learning progress
Active interaction
with the content
updating of knowledge

Feedback from our customers

Our customers



How does your company ensure the quality of e-courses?

Our company follows a rigorous process to ensure the quality of our eLearning courses. From identifying your learning needs, defining requirements, agreeing on methodology, creating and finally testingтування курсу - кожен крок ретельно планується і виконується. У нас є команда досвідчених розробників контенту, дизайнерів навчальних матеріалів та аналітиків якості, які працюють разом над створенням високоякісного контенту для електронного навчання. 

How do your courses accommodate individual learning styles?

We understand that everyone learns differently, so our courses are designed to accommodate different learning styles. Our e-learning solutions include multimedia elements, interactive exercises, and self-assessment tools to engage different types of learners.

Can I access your e-courses on different devices?

Yes, our courses are developed using the principles of responsive design, which guarantees access to content from any device, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.

Do you provide learning management system (LMS) solutions?

So, in addition to developing e-learning courses, we also provide support in choosing an LMS that meets your expectations.

How can I update the content of the e-course?

If you need to update the content of your eLearning course, you can contact our team and we will help you with this process. Our goal is to ensure that your course content remains relevant and effective for your learners.

How long does it take to develop an e-course?

The time it takes to develop an e-course depends on various factors, such as the complexity of the course, the amount of content, and your specific requirements. However, our team is experienced in delivering high-quality courses within an adequate timeframe.

How is customer support provided?

We offer reliable support for all our clients. You can contact us by email, phone, or through our website, and our team will be ready to help you with any questions or requests you may have.

When was your company founded and what was its initial mission?

Our company was founded in 2013 as a software development firm with a focus on HR management systems. As we gained experience in optimizing staff development processes, we realized that we needed to structure business learning processes. This led us to start creating training content and implementing e-learning technologies.

What makes your company unique?

With our experience in software development, we approach course development from a systematic point of view, with a clear focus on setting and achieving specific project goals. We are sincerely interested in the success of our clients and, using our experience, we strive to optimize your business.

What is the value proposition of your eLearning courses?

Our courses are designed to meet your specific training needs, providing you with customized content that is engaging and effective. We focus on creating courses that not only meet but exceed your expectations, offering your employees a comprehensive learning experience that supports their professional development.