
Turnkey online-course development

Changed: 2024-04-04

Reading Time: 6 minutes

In the rapidly evolving landscape of online education, efficiency and quality are paramount. One solution that has emerged to meet these demands is turnkey online-course development. But what exactly does “turnkey” mean in this context? How does it work, and what benefits does it offer? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into these questions and more, providing you with a thorough understanding of turnkey online-course development and its potential to transform your educational offerings in 2023 and beyond. Whether you’re an educator, a business leader, or an e-learning professional, this guide is designed to equip you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions in the dynamic world of online education. So, let’s turn the key and embark on this enlightening journey.

Understanding Turnkey Solutions

In the realm of online education, turnkey refers to a course that is fully designed, developed, and ready to be delivered to learners. This includes the course content, learning activities, assessments, and often the learning management system (LMS) to host the course. It’s like buying a fully furnished house, where you just need to move in. The course is fully equipped with all the necessary elements, making it easy for educators to deliver high-quality education without the hassle of course development.

The Appeal of Turnkey Online-Course Development

Turnkey online-course development offers several advantages that make it an attractive option for educational institutions and businesses alike.

Efficiency and Convenience

One of the primary benefits of turnkey solutions is their efficiency. With a turnkey online course, you don’t have to worry about the nitty-gritty details of course development. Everything is taken care of for you, allowing you to focus on delivering the course and engaging with your learners.

  1. Time-saving: With all the course elements pre-designed and ready to go, you can save significant time that would otherwise be spent on course development.
  2. Ease of use: Turnkey courses are designed to be user-friendly, making it easy for you to manage and deliver the course.
  3. Cost-effective: By eliminating the need for in-house course development or hiring multiple contractors to create content, turnkey courses save you resources and reduce costs.

Professional Quality

Turnkey courses are developed by professionals who understand the principles of instructional design and adult learning theory. This ensures that the course is not only informative but also engaging and conducive to learning. This professional quality can enhance the learning experience and lead to better learner outcomes.


Turnkey courses offer the ability to customize a course to better suit your specific needs and brand.

  1. Brand alignment: You can customize the course to reflect your brand identity, creating a consistent and cohesive learning experience.
  2. Content relevance: You can tailor the course content to meet your specific educational goals and learners’ needs, making it more relevant and effective.
  3. Unique learning experience: By incorporating your unique insights and perspectives, you can create a distinctive learning experience that sets your course apart.

The process of creating a turnkey online course

Developing a turnkey course is a complex and creative process that requires a lot of attention to detail and cooperation with a team of specialists. Let’s take a closer look at each stage of the process.

  • Defining goals and audience: Before you start developing a course, it is important to clearly define its goals. These can be goals such as spreading knowledge about a specific topic, improving skills, or developing specific competencies. It is also important to identify the audience for which the course will be designed, their needs, level of training, and prior knowledge.
  • Gathering the necessary information: After defining the goals and the audience, it is necessary to collect all the necessary information that will be used in the course development. This may include scientific research, statistics, expert opinions, relevant materials, and other sources of information. It is important to have a clear structure and concept of the course so that the materials are logically organized and understandable for students.
  • Content development: At this stage, the collected data is used to create the main course content. This can include video lectures, texts, presentations, cases, exercises, tests, and other learning materials. It is important to divide the content into sections or topics, ensuring consistency and logic of the material. You can also include practical tasks to help students apply the knowledge they have gained in practice.
  • Visuals and design: This stage involves creating graphic elements, interface design, and course structure. It is important that the visual design is attractive and user-friendly. You can use videos, images, illustrations, and other elements to make the course more interesting and understandable.
  • Develop interactive elements: Interactive elements, such as quizzes, exercises, games, or virtual labs, can help engage students in learning and provide a deeper understanding of the material. Developing such elements can significantly improve the quality of learning.
  • Development of the technical part: This stage involves programming, content integration, creating interactive elements, and hosting the course on the platform. It is important to make sure that the course works on different devices and provides convenient access to the materials.
  • Testing and bug fixing: After the course is created, it goes through a testing phase to identify errors, inaccuracies, or inconveniences in use. Once the issues are identified, corrections and optimizations are made.
  • Completion and release: After successful testing, the course is ready for release. You get a finished product – a full-fledged online course that can be launched on the platform and start providing access to students.

In the end, you get a ready-made online course that meets your goals and requirements. This course can be used for self-study by students or as part of a training program. In addition, you get the opportunity to scale your training and generate revenue by providing access to the course online.

Components of Turnkey Online-Course Development Turnkey Projects

A comprehensive turnkey online course typically includes several key components.

Course Content

This is the heart of any course. The content should be relevant, accurate, and engaging. It may be delivered through various mediums, such as text, video, audio, and interactive elements. It’s like the storyline of a movie – it drives the course, engaging the learners and guiding them through the learning journey. High-quality content can stimulate learners’ interest and curiosity, fostering a conducive learning environment.

Interactive activities

Learning interactions help students apply what they have learned and deepen their understanding. These can include quizzes, discussions, case studies, and practical exercises. They are like interactive exhibits in a museum – they allow learners to explore the material in a hands-on way, improving their understanding and memorization. Well-designed interactive units can make learning more engaging and fun, promoting active participation and deeper learning.


Assessments measure learners’ understanding of the course material. They provide valuable feedback to both the learner and the instructor. It’s like a health check-up – it identifies areas of strength and areas that need improvement, guiding the learning process. Regular and effective assessments can ensure that the learning objectives are being met and that learners are making progress in their learning journey.

Learning Management System (LMS)

The LMS is the platform where the course is hosted. It provides the tools for delivering the course content, managing learners, tracking progress, and facilitating communication. It’s like the infrastructure of a city – it supports and facilitates all the activities, ensuring a smooth and efficient operation. A robust and user-friendly LMS can enhance the delivery of the course and the learning experience, making it easy for both the instructors and the learners to navigate the course.

Choosing a Turnkey Online-Course Provider

When selecting a provider for turnkey online-course development, there are several factors to consider.

Expertise and Experience

Look for a provider with a proven track record in online course development. They should have a team of experts in instructional design, multimedia production, and LMS administration.

  1. Instructional design expertise: The provider should have a team of instructional designers who understand the principles of adult learning and can design courses that are engaging and effective.
  2. Multimedia production capabilities: The provider should be able to create high-quality multimedia content, such as videos, animations, and interactive elements, to enhance the learning experience.
  3. LMS administration experience: The provider should be familiar with various LMS platforms and be able to manage the course delivery and learner management effectively.

Quality of Courses

Review samples of their courses to assess the quality. Consider the course structure, the presentation of the content, the interactivity, and the overall user experience. It’s like test-driving a car before buying it – you want to make sure it performs well and meets your needs. A thorough review of the courses can give you a good idea of what you can expect from the provider, helping you make an informed decision.

Customization Options

If you need a course that is tailored to your specific needs, ensure that the provider offers customization services. It’s like ordering a custom-made dress – you want it to fit you perfectly and reflect your personal style. A provider that offers customization can work with you to create a course that aligns with your educational goals and brand identity, making it more relevant and effective for your learners.

Support and Maintenance

Check what kind of support and maintenance services the provider offers. This could include technical support, course updates, and user training. It’s like the after-sales service for a product – you want to ensure that you’ll get the necessary support and assistance after the purchase. A provider that offers comprehensive support and maintenance can ensure that your course remains up-to-date and effective, providing a seamless learning experience for your learners.


Turnkey online-course development offers a convenient and efficient solution for delivering high-quality online education. Whether you’re an educational institution looking to expand your course offerings, a business seeking to train your employees, or an entrepreneur wanting to share your expertise, turnkey solutions can provide the tools and resources you need.

Remember, the key to a successful online course lies not just in the content, but also in the delivery. A well-designed, engaging, and user-friendly course can make the learning experience enjoyable and effective for your learners. So, when considering turnkey solutions, choose a provider that can deliver on all these fronts.

In the world of online education, turnkey doesn’t just mean ready-to-use; it means ready to engage, ready to inspire, and ready to transform the way we learn.


What is turnkey online-course development?

Turnkey online-course development refers to a fully inclusive process where an external provider handles every aspect of course creation. This can include course design, content creation, technology integration, and course deployment. The end result is a ready-to-use, fully operational online course.

What are the benefits of turnkey online-course development?

The main benefits of turnkey online-course development are time-saving and efficiency. This approach allows educational institutions or businesses to rapidly deploy online courses without needing to invest significant resources in course creation. It can also ensure high-quality content and pedagogical design, particularly when the provider has significant experience in educational content creation.

Who typically uses turnkey online-course development services?

Schools, universities, corporations, and any organization that wants to deliver educational content online may use turnkey online-course development services. These services are particularly useful for those who lack the internal resources or expertise to develop online courses themselves.

Can turnkey online-course development include customizations?

Yes, many providers of turnkey online-course development offer customizations. This can include incorporating the organization's branding, tailoring content to specific audience needs, or integrating specific learning tools or platforms. The level of customization may depend on the service provider and the specific requirements of the organization.

Is turnkey online-course development more expensive than in-house development?

The cost of turnkey online-course development versus in-house development can depend on many factors. While there may be an upfront cost for turnkey services, it's important to consider the time, resources, and potential trial and error that can come with in-house development. Additionally, turnkey providers may have the ability to deliver high-quality content more quickly and effectively due to their expertise and experience.

How long does turnkey online-course development typically take?

The time frame for turnkey online-course development can vary widely depending on the scope and complexity of the course, as well as the provider's process. However, one of the advantages of turnkey services is typically a quicker turnaround time than in-house development, given that the provider is specialized and experienced in course creation.

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